Monday, March 8, 2010

Spooky = Lame

I want to like these guys, I really do. But, back in the day they really pissed on a good friend of mine and what's worse is...

...they once insisted on cloaking themselves with this pseudo straight edge ethos. Way too preachy for me thanks. Just make the damn bikes and answer your customer service questions.

A reincarnated Spooky came back around a few years ago after falling off the map a while before that. Lots of good companies from the heyday of the mountain bike boom died and found themselves reborn as empty shadows of their former glory, (ala Syncros.) In an inverse switch to that, here's to hoping the new Spooky is better than the old.

I'll let you be the one to give it a try though...let me know how that goes. Matt?...ready for another 'Metalhead'?


Steve Reed said...

That's the most tedious BS I've ever seen!

utahDOG! said...

They were really a crew of snot-nosed preachers... and what's worse was that their products were pretty bad to boot! Quite the joke...