Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Cool old crap! Old crap is the best! I know this because I am crap and I'm old and I'm pretty damn cool! Or so they tell me, my sweaty lathered employees, full of fear and reverence, during their yearly evaluations here in the gleaming towers of One Utahdog Center, World Congress of the Americas. Grovel as they do...


In the 80's this steering wheel and the block shaped dash passed as ergonomics. Today we know so much more about designing for the human body. Take our new marble-lined long bar and hookah lounge here in the Gleaming Towers of blah blah blah. Our brass poles are aligned by the grace of God.

Oh, and some other poor sap paid a cool $90 for these pretty bits.

I heart pretty bits.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Kevlar Lapse in Judgement

This mildly tatty, yet enthrallingly red SDG, had a price of $100 before it evaporated from the interwebbage without a trace. For $100 there are many lapses in judgement here. Can you count them?

Bizarre arm tats that creep (Lapse 1)...

...onto the hand (Lapse 2). Note trash can #1 above the region of the saddle where your plump nibblets and scrumpus bones would nestle.

Holiest of holies (Lapse 3...$100?!?) on the nose of the saddle where your plump nibblets and scrumpus bones would definitely not nestle. Body piercing erosion of the normally quite durable Kevlar saddle cover perhaps? The tats suggest it.

The smarmy under belly, showing a twisted and random array of sloppily applied glues and adhesives (Lapse 4). And yes, trash can #2 creeps into view (Lapse 5). This is a clean kitchen obviously. Cleaner anyway, than my holiest of holies, plump nibblets, or scrumpus bones.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Flea - Wanga

$199. When VooDoo mattered.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Dragon Pics - Part 1

On the way west to Tenn, The Dragon, or one of them, at a roadside stop in Deals Gap.

He's a freaky beast. On the other side of the road at KillBoy, the dragons are metal. More on that later.

Matt chugging Pedialyte. Don't ask.

TVA. Flooding beautiful mountain valleys since 1933.

I look like I'm protecting my nibblets.

At the hotel the first night, they had the worlds longest couch in the lobby. People in Tennessee don't control their bladders very well so all the furniture has to be covered in black rubber. OK I made that last part up.

Day two Matt mounted up the GoPros.

And we took vids at speeds that pushed me to drink after. Here at the Rivers End in the Nantahala Gorge. Nantahala Brewery product in the pint. I can't remember.

and here at the Hub Bike Shop and Pisgah Tavern, I think that is a Highlands Brewery product, but I can't remember. (Memory Loss is first sign of addiction.)

"Pink Beds Picnic Area." Euphemism?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Shed 2.0 - Part 5, The Final

With the roof, soffits and final touches on the shed still to go, it was high time I got around to wrapping things up. I hate roofing.

Brackets and hanging plants and the Bucs flag that my brother in law made for me. The plants used to hang on either side of the carport at the old house. I didn't want to put any more holes in my new house, so I got some inexpensive brackets and put new holes in the shed instead. The flag hung on my old shed.

Water tight? Yes. Perfect? No. I wasn't consistent side to side in staggering my seams, but squatting on the shed roof and driving nails in 90% humidity in September in Florida, this is as good as I can do.

From the back.

Pirate flags and potted plants. Surrender your booty.

Soffit detail and plant bracket.

The end. 

Go away.