I was following the three of them, and while I wasn't necessarily ready to spring on anything, I must say that I did figure out in my head what I could sell the parts on the WTB for were I to pull the trigger. Cooler heads prevailed though, so my kid can still go to college.
Somewhere behind us, warm summer.
Jane Wallows in the snow. Here she's been pelted with a few thousand snow balls, thrown by yours truly!
Lake Michigan shore, Traverse City. These summer views are why people flock to the warmth of the Michigan Coast.
Fabled M22, coastal road. M22 rivals the California PCH for scenic grandeur, according to Wilfred Pozniak, long time cherry orchard worker and avid naked wind surfer.
There is, of course, no Wilfred Pozniak.
But if you squint, you can see him here, working the orchard...
...and here, freakin' on the fierce waves of awesomeness that are Lake Michigan, his danglies frosting over in the chilly surf.
Family farm shots. The big barn sits quietly in the snow.
And like a bound up fat man in the bathroom stall of your local Golden Corral, a wagon waits for its next load.
Michigan trips are always a good time, and winter, all kidding aside, is a great time to visit.
Wilfred Pozniak paid me to say that.