Packages have been arriving here at the spacious shipping and loading terminals of One Utahdog Center, World Congress of the Americas. I've been cutting open boxes all week it seems! Time to see, in the daylight, what the Robinson looks like...

And it looks good! A few surprises, not problems really, but indicators of how long I've been away from a BMX shop. First, yes that IS an 1.125" thread-less headset and fork setup on there! Nice!

The chrome looks good too! Some very minor pitting on the Spinner sourced Robinson fork, but the frame is nearly flawless it seems. I'll have to get the thing cleaned up though, to know more.

Here's the actual Surfer Girl that the poor kid has been using so far. 12" wheeled bikes are really suited only for training wheels. The cranks arms are so short that leverage is really challenged. There are no parts to carry over from this sucker. It has been a fine kids bike though, so to the spacious storage warehouse on pier 104 of the Utahdog World Shipping Emporium of the Western Hemisphere it goes!

And here is the boat anchor whore-in training labeled Hannah Montana donor. I already de- Hannah Montana'd it, but it is still just a POS. Just not as offensive a POS. It is SO heavy though. Shockingly heavy. I have no scale to gage where we start from, but I would love to know what the pig weighs, and how much weight I save the child from grunting around, but I will have to just judge it by hand. Not too hard to tell the difference in weight though. I'd think, like the difference between hoisting my Turner vs. lifting the Phoenix, it will be easy.

Cleanup starts. All decals will go, and the frame will be fully polished with Blue Magic Chrome Cleaner, which should tidy up any pitting spots and protect the frame from additional issues for quite a while. "And what is that little blue thing in the corner?" I hear you ask.

Just some new goofy little skulls for the bike fleet. A little VooDoo-ish maybe, but Bicycle Religion keeps me safe.