Saturday, February 28, 2009
Gainesville Bike Shop Tour, Mental Health Day #1
First, Gainesville is a %$#-Box. I know that college towns typically have a bit of a high-traffic, heavily-used feel to them, what with (in Gainesville's case) over 40,000 students all milling about the town, drinking and puking and generally acting like crazed farm animals. Still, on the %$#-Box meter, Gainesville stands head and shoulders above other college towns I've visited in my years. I've been to Blacksburg (Virginia Tech), College Park (Maryland) and Georgetown (Georgetown...duh!), and of course I lived in Boulder (Colorado), for over a year. Gainesville just has an overwhelming feel of disheveled, broken-ness, as if only half the light switches in the city work, and most restaurants score a 65% on state health inspections and feel proud to do it. 'Quirky' and 'Filthy' are not synonyms, Gainesville. In the interests of full disclosure, I have to come clean and claim South Florida as my 'nourishing mother', and point out further that as a graduate of a competing state institution (in dollars allocated anyway, if not in football!) I am duty bound, as any graduate of USF, FSU or even Florida Gulf Coast will tell you, to talk badly about the University of Florida and Gainesville in general. Gainesville deserves special mention for making it so easy to talk badly about it. Thank you, G-ville, for being such a total dump. Hugs and Kisses , etc.
Anyway, while I was there I had the joyful opportunity to visit 6 bike shops, and even get 'thrown out' of one (and I wasn't even drunk or covered in my own vomit, fancy that!) So in the next few string out this post even longer in the hopes of getting more than 4 people to vote in my Blog Poll...I'll post up some pictures of the shops I visited, and even rate them on an as yet determined 5 'star' scale.
Again, thanks to Gainesville for being such a colossal pigsty. Stay tuned to learn if that pigsty-ness carries over into their bike shops. I can't speak for the restaurants...I'm not eating out in that town...
Hannah Park, Mental Health Day #2

Friday, I took the second of my two mental health days this week. With Big Moma at work and Baby in school, it was time for a nice quiet ride in the woods, just me and a 15 year old EWR. I realized as I was getting ready to leave the house, that I'd never taken any pictures out at Hannah.


OK, not exactly, but I can, in fact, assemble a canned pre-processed beer system, in the comfort of my own home! Recall, the first recipe is "Cowboy Lager", which is a very unfortunate name for any beer. The stuff is supposed to be a Bud type clone. Know what? It is! I figured that when I sampled the beer on its way out of the fermenter into bottles for secondary fermenting, carbonating and conditioning and it tasted like warm flat Bud, that I was well on my way to beer assembly success. Now, after having cracked the first sample bottle, which spent two+ weeks in the bottle and then 2 days by its lonesome in the fridge, I can say for certain 2 things.
First, Mr Beer works and works pretty well for what it is. I'm not so sure you can call it "home brewing" if everything comes essentially pre-measured and only requires assembly and time to brew. The second recipe, which is the 2 extract can Octoberfest, to which I added a half cup of honey to the wort to 'customize', will be a more extensive test for Mr Beer as home brewing.
Second, Budweiser is full of crap. If that beer takes as much effort for them to 'craft' as they say it does, then mark my words, the brewing industry will be the next in line for federal bailout cash. If a bald cranky bastard like me can make a Bud clone in the kitchen sink, then they need to really look at streamlining their brewing methods, because their investment certainly doesn't measure up to the final product.
Bone Appetite! (as we say here in the Ponzi State!)
Friday, February 27, 2009
"Has Everyone Lost the Passion"
Basically the discussion revolves around how the industry made it from this lovely beastie...

To This complete cookie cutter abomination...

My rants as follows...
***A good many characteristics on modern bikes have nothing to do with trails and everything to do with profits. Hydroformed Tubes on $3500 Stumpjumpers welded in China, anyone? The proliferation of Asian carbon fiber and titanium? The new Ibis? These decisions weren't all made to improved the experience of riding a bicycle... these decisions were made to make people some serious cash. If you think you need that Rocky Mountain so you can ride your locals trails and have fun, then you are lost. (granted, if you lived in Whistler BC, maybe... but for the rest of us? I'll take a Blizzard in 853 steel, thanks.)
***New shop floor available bicycle designs are made to inspire excitement in people that have little to no understanding of bicycles. I'm not saying that the new Taiwan ROC Specialized FSR is a POS, because its not. I am saying though, that aesthetics mean too much today, and computer managed Asian manufacturing is generating bicycle shapes that in my opinion have little to do with their function. Some of the best small builder suspension designs available today, say Ventana's for example, don't have hydroformed 'S' bent tubes...why do Treks?
***I just think that the message of cycling is lost for me, in modern designs. Do I need a 5" travel bike to take big drops and stuff? Nope. My 1994 EWR has been doing that for years. Am I slower than I'd be were I to have 5" travel? Sure. Do I need to pay particular attention to my line, and bike placement, and balance, and momentum when on my EWR? Sure! That's called riding. If I wanted a bike that could ride the trail on its own, It would be KTM orange. (props Matt! I only know about KTM orange from you!)
***I rode with a guy back in college that had a ProFlex 856 at a time when the rest of us were using Klein Rascals and Pinnacles, S-Works M2s, Zaskars and various steel Konas and Breezers. The dude was a little older than us, as we were students then, and I was amazed at how closely he could follow our group through the gooey and sloppy technical trails of Florida. Then I rode behind him and it was revealed to me how he did it...the man never coasted, never stood up, never went around obstacles, never picked a line, never did anything but steer through the trees and pedal. To me, that just seems like cheating. Again...if you're going to remove that much rider involvement, then go KTM orange.
***I'm sure the new Ibis Mojo Carbon rides great, but I'd stop short of calling it an Ibis. I don't mean that as harsh as it may sound, but if Chris Chance came out of the massage business and started selling imported carbon frames sporting names like Wicked and Monster under the Fat Chance banner, then I'd say the same thing. Here in the states, it looks like we may lose Chrysler as an auto manufacturer. Three years from now, if the Dodge Charger name comes back on a line of rebadged front wheel drive Kia sedans, well then I'll be there to call foul on that one too, no matter how fast the thing is on the highway.
***I am not a dedicated retro grouch. I have a modern bike. None of that which is posted above makes hydroformed tubes necessary. Or black spokes necessary. Or overly wrought, overly styled bikes with 'features' that add little to nothing to the ride quality of the bikes necessary. Or huge prices for mass produced models made overseas by exploited labor necessary. I'm not crapping on the idea of the 5" travel bike (although I steadfastly believe that all riders should learn and continue to hone their skills on a rigid bike.) I'm crapping on the idea that the standard for mountain bikes today is 5" travel, Asian made, cookie cutter style, and still sky-high asking prices.
***Even the Wal Mart bikes are interrupted seat tube full suspension bikes with double crown forks! Who in the market for a cheap-o bike needs that crap? Marketing!
***What I am saying, is that the modern bikes are more about style than they are substance. I am not saying that suspension is about style and not substance (although I am a hard-tail guy.) These marketing justification blurbs being brandied about by manufacturers and magazines touting hydroformed tubes are just a way to distract you from noticing that your $3500 bike is made in Taiwan, and that it looks alot like the Giants and Treks down the street.
***1999 Stumpjumper Comp (Hardtail)...MSRP $1199US. 2008 Stumpjumper FSR Comp...MSRP $2559US (FS) Both very reasonable...BUT...! Adjust that 99 Stump to 2008 prices (using one of the myriad of inflation adjusters available on the web elsewhere) and you get $1479 That's an $1100 difference, between a hard tail and a full suspension bike with reasonably close quality parts in their builds. 1100 seems to me to be a fair adjustment to go from hardtail to full suspension, and all other things being equal, I'd be all over the 2008 as a great bike...BUT! All things aren't equal. The 2008 is made in Asia by machines and operators who make peanuts for a living! That 1999 Stump has a "Made in the USA" sticker on it, and that means that the guy who put the pipes together made at least $5US an hour. The guys that make the 2008 make that in a day if they're lucky. So my point (and I do actually have one, I swear! ) Is first...where did the money that Specialized saved in moving manufacturing overseas go? That savings wasn't passed on to us.
***And Finally, I think the sexiness of overly styled expensive looking modern bikes exists to keep you distracted so you don't ask the question, "hey...why isn't this beauty cheaper if its made in Taiwan?" I guess maybe this isn't something that all buyers look for, but I don't want stuff made in a place where people don't make a fair wage, especially if the price isn't adjusted accordingly. If one year Pace made a full suspension bike in the UK, slathered it with Union Jacks, and touted it as the best in Britain, and then 3 years later sold a spec-comparable bike, imported from China (undoubtedly still slathered with Union Jacks!), and didn't adjust the price accordingly, wouldn't my points still apply? When Specialized shipped their manufacturing overseas, I was crushed. I'll never own a modern Specialized again.
***Technology and modern style aren't inherently a bad thing, but I think a good amount of 'improvements' in the industry to day are there to keep you from asking why Trek (who used to make just about EVERYTHING in Waterloo Wisconsin) doesn't make that $2500 bike in the US anymore. Same thing with Ritchey Components. Old Tom can slap red, white, and blue packaging all over Sugino cranks and Hsin Lung stems, but I don't want them for the same cost as a product made here in the states. Even Ned, back in the day, saved "his money" buy using the cheaper 'Zoom' labeled Hsin Lung crap. (I know he was sponsored by Zoom...hence the quote.)
This post is cobbled from about two days worth of my banter on a message board, so the logic may be a little disjointed, but you get the idea...I'll get off my soap box now.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
eBay Search: "Karakoram"
That's right. In my never ending quest to add some much needed steel to my bike quiver, and with little success in pulling in auctions for good stuff like Brodie Expressos or even a decent GT Psyclone, I've been reduced to searching for the Karakoram. Would I buy a Karakoram? No. But searching for a Karakoram at least makes me feel like I'm working toward getting some decent steel...
Here's what you find...
Purple doesn't bug me. Used doesn't bug me. Hell, even scratched nearly beyond recognition and slathered in surface rust and skate punk stickers doesn't bug me...but $125 plus nearly 40 bucks to ship? What?
Auction comes with an Indy fork, a Judy box I guess, and by the looks of the picture, one yellow zip-tie and a scroungy white picnic table to boot! (maybe the reason for the high shipping costs?)
Paul Turner showed up at the Sports Garage in 1996 with an early production Indy XC just like the one in this auction, and we installed it on my white EWR for a week or two. Ugh. The thing was a noodle, bouncy feeling with no damper, and nearly worthless . I'd pay the seller to keep the Indy and lower my shipping. I might like that zip tie though...
Granted the gent running the auction has some pristine feedback, but I still wonder what this auction is all about...and what people are thinking when they list stuff on the old fleabay.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
"No don't posta be checking my rumpy!"
All clear everyone? Good, now go forth and rumpy-check...
Friday, February 20, 2009

Baby has a BED!!!

Another SDG
Sleeping Beer

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Beer Update
I bottled my Lager style ale Tuesday, using table sugar as priming sugar for the little yeasties (as per Mr Beer instructions). First I drew out an ounce or so and gave it a sniff and a swig, to see how two weeks in the fermentor had served my little concoction. The test sample tasted like warm, flat Miller, and while that sounds like a horrible thing, it's actually good news. You see, the Mr Beer 'Cowboy Lager' is essentially an American lager clone type beer, so it should seem similar to Miller, and it hasn't carbonated yet, so it should be flat, and it's been sitting in the fermentor at 69 degrees, so warm is OK too.
There was enough beer to fill the 8 liter PET bottles that came with my Mr Beer kit, and still a little left over to try out a glass 12 oz bottle with my new capper and some over-run caps that I picked up here in town at the local brew supply store. (Over at the corner of Cassat and San Juan, on the west side...funny little place with some very 'sedate-(d)' guys working there, place is called "Just Brew It") The 12ozer got a small amount of trub in the bottle, but I think with conditioning that shouldn't be a problem. I'll probably pop that one early though anyway, because I originally bottled it because I wanted to use the small test bottle to learn about how the conditioning process works out over time. Anyway, the priming sugar is doing it's thing, and the PET bottles are firming up to the touch, evidence that the little yeasties are in there going to town and pooping CO2 and carbonation is taking place. 12 oz glass bottle hasn't popped either, so my capper and the caps seem to be working ok too. All 9 of the bottled beers are conditioning in my big cooler, where if they leak, or full-on rupture, they will only make a mess on each other, and not all over my house.
I started the next batch in the Mr Beer too, as I've now got enough glass bottles and with the caps and capper from the shop, I can bottle that batch when the time comes. I didn't want to start the second batch until I had all the supplies to finish the task, through bottling. The next beer is an Octoberfest recipe from Mr Beer, with no Booster, but rather a second can of extract, this time blond UME. I also added steeped cinnamon and honey to the wort. It smelled great, and within 24 hours I had a nice layer of krausen on the surface in the fermentor. Looking good!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Klein..."there is no substitute."

Monday, February 2, 2009
Amateur helmet cam video shows good trails and variety at Santos...
Another HATE mail...
Vintage Hates...
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-The word "Trek "on the downtube.
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
Non-vintage Hates...
-black black black black BLACK everywhere! Bleah!
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-Non-standard Wheels with less than 28 spokes, or spokes in pairs, or wheels with the nipples on the wrong end of the spokes, or wheels with straight pull spokes, or wheels with black spokes, or crappy asian-made mass produced junk wheels labeled with mean-nothing names like Rolf or Bontrager or American Classic. (which of course, have less than 28 spokes, and spokes in pairs, and nipples on the wrong end of the spokes, and straight pull spokes, and black spokes, etc...)
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-Brittle imported mass produced Carbon Fiber garbage made by folks not afforded a living wage.
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-Heavy, overly styled, non-functional imported Hydro-formed frames made by folks not afforded a living wage.
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-The word "Trek" on the downtube.
-The new Spooky. Are you kidding me? You're still not faster than my mom. Junk. Might as well have "Trek" on the downtube...