Monday, February 23, 2015

Danger Ranger

I am not ratty.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Goodies from the recent flea.

Shaggy SDG in blue, and some other red thing - $35

Euro-chic Ford Fiesta from UK - $3800

Talk about a time machine!

Altek pretties from the Pros Closet - $56

Slick old Specialized Dealer sticker - $8

Whyte PRST-1 full suspension bike, from back in the day when engineering was simply a suggestion. What could possibly go wrong! 

A better pic, although not the same bike, although also ganked from the interwebbage, although also developed by a drunk gibbon, although I can't find my pants. #toomuchinformationthanks

And a Yeti FRO, raped of its wheels and left for dead - $812

And I didn't buy any of it, cept for my pants.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Suggestion and Reply

My brother posted this picture of a VW on his blog. Clearly there is a lot of interest here in proudly rocking the cool old patina mobile schtick.... which I retort...

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015