Bicycle Content! EWR
In 1994 I attended Interbike Philadelphia, the bicycle industry trade show for the east coast. Some of my mates from college and I were swishing around the notion of starting a bike shop, and after attending the show in Vegas the year before, I had convinced them that the three of us needed to head to Philly to check out the concept with a bit more powerful looking glass and a more skeptical eye. Of course, when we got there we spent more time looking at cool junk we wanted to buy with money we had yet to earn, but so goes being a stupid college kid with too much credit and not enough brains.
Anyway, I ran into this cat walking the halls of the trade show with this mountain bike frame thrown over his shoulder selling his concept of what a real woods-style aggressive frame should be...and I was hooked.
14 years, and a brief stint in the hands of a good friend in Atlanta (thanks Matt!), and the frame is still mine. Large EWR Original Woods, single-speed and rigid. Perfect.
1 comment:
I like this entry, and I remember that show very well. Coolest parts were the all night urban shreds with my brother and his messenger friends. I used to ride with my bro a lot on his runs, weighed down in traffic with a bag of shit to deliver. Off the clock and they still rode. All night, guys on fixies, MTBs, slalom bikes, MTBs, whatever. Everyone has thier own style to flaunt. Philly scene was tight.
At that show I told my bro that security was not checking IDs. I gave him a few EWR biz cards and said have fun. End of the day and sitting outside, my bro and his friends trickle up. All the messengers had huge bags of loot from the show, and all of their name tags said "Jay de Jesus -- Exhibitor, Eastern Woods Research"
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