And so a toast...
Monday, May 31, 2010
X-0 R.I.P.
And so a toast...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Yosemite Surgery
Remember that I picked up a Yokota Yosemite Columbus OR tubed frame a while back, with the intention of painting it up in a topographic map style, (see the Yokota thread link there on the right to get up to speed), well I'm finally moving on with the frame alterations.
And these upper mounts. Such nice noodling for the derailleur cables and the rear brake, and then this rack junk tacked on to the stays with brass. Ugly.
Drive side, before the final clean up. Best to cut conservatively, as you can always take more off, but you can't put it back on! Well, not easily anyway...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Flea-action galore!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Shed Door
The vent on the front. It is screened and louvered to keep out the critters and rain.
Door and filler wall. The both of them will be painted the original red as the doors keep the same proportion of red in the look of the shed.
Monday, May 24, 2010
First 2 days were at EPCOT. I love EPCOT. EPCOT is the grown man's Disney experience. The rest of Disney is for sticky little smelly children covered head to toe in a foul cocktail of poo and gooey candy.
It was the Spring Flower Festival at EPCOT. Pretty neat-o. We breezed right by all this stuff to try to make our dinner reservation at Mexico, but when we got there Jane freaked out at the sight of the volcano mural and insisted we needed to leave ASAP. We were hungry and tired and thirsty and you know what that means!...

Friday, May 21, 2010
Kooka cranks... *ugh!*
So nasty. But, in case you've been struck on the head with something sharp lately, and your judgement has been severely compromised, these babies are currently on the flea. Knock your bad self out, because you will not be bidding against me.
EDIT! - and cooler heads prevail as these nasty things sell for less than $75. U-G-L-Y!
Friday, May 7, 2010
28 hole, for the pair. NOS 217 Sunsets. $51! If I weren't such a fat pig I'd have given these a spin for that price.
32 hole 217 Sunset, sold for a paltry $26. This would have been mine if I wasn't at work when it closed. I don't hit the flea from the office.

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Commute - Who pays for this?!
Tow company should also sweep up the spill-dry absorbing agent spread over the fluid leaks that inevitably come with a car wreck. They don't...instead leaving the spill-dry and the fluids to seep into the street drains, and then into the St Johns River.
Lazy. Just lazy. Lazy cops, and lazy tow truck operators, and lazy citizens who don't say anything when they see this disgraceful crap all over their city. This junk is on a bridge, so you know where the next stop is, right?...Yup. The River. The worst part is, some ass-munch actually took the time to MOVE the debris from the roadway and put it up on the curb!? Why not put it on the truck in the first place!
Sloppy and lazy people disgust me.
Styrofoam bumper pads, and over by the blue bridge support...a window held together with tinting film. How long would picking this up take?
I mean, if it's already, I don't know...YOUR JOB?
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go polish up my Kevlar for the next big drug bust. Word is COPS is filming on location right here in the River City. I might even step out of my air-conditioned cruiser for this one.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Shameless auction picture ganking again. What did you expect from someone low enough to piss away his daughter's college fund on NOS Mavic Sunsets? Shhhh...don't tell her mother!
Reasonably affordable too. There should be an economic indicator established based on the fluctuation in value of a set of 217 Sunsets. A single rim sold a few days ago for a little less than 30 bucks...I fell asleep. Can you sleep through other economic indicators? I know you can sleep through college....
In Jacksonville, this would say something like "Cheap Sex - Call Dookie!"
More street art at the S&L Flickr page.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Low Dollar Yokota
High Dollar Yokota

Pretty, sure. But ass none-the-less!