Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yokota direction change

I've suspended my Topo project. I told you earlier that I'd stumbled on another paint option that I like better. That and the greens available in rattle cans just suck. I've got a ravaged Joe Murray Velocity stem that I'm going to play the topo game with, but for the Yokota...a new direction...

So, with the help of Mr. Piggy...

Blue and Yellow pastel fade! How Florida! Too bad the frame isn't a 'Yokota South Beach'.

PPA. "Plastic Porker Approved"

The denatured Alcohol has nothing to do with the paint job...that's just what I huff in the morning to get myself going.

So there it is. I'm excited about the way it turned out. The complete Frame/Fork/Stem pics are on the way, after I rub out the clear on the frame a bit. Rattle Can clear generates a very orange peel finish that I'll need to massage to smooth, but I have high hopes.

Not to shabby...


Steve Reed said...

Does that mean the contents of the pig paid for the paint?? :)

utahDOG! said...

Nope! Not my pig!