
And the clunkers of the bunch. Crash damage, faded blue anodizing and a stripped bolt hole means this auction will sit for a while even with the seller offering them for 89 bucks or best offer. Someone will take the leap but it won't be me. There's good parts here, but that is a lot of money for parts.
And what is that one thing that these 3 lever sets don't have that the 200 buck pair do?...RED BABY!!
All pics boosted from respective auctions. Search eBay for 'Altek' if your pants get tight* for silver brake levers and you're fancying yourself as a prospective buyer. Bid 'em up!
* - sexist disclaimer. Most retro wackos are fellas, and in the interests of avoiding an adult tag for the blog, I'm not even about to try to explain in print the female equivalent to tight-pants! You can go find a Lady Gaga video on On Demand cable for that!