Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Kevlar Lapse in Judgement

This mildly tatty, yet enthrallingly red SDG, had a price of $100 before it evaporated from the interwebbage without a trace. For $100 there are many lapses in judgement here. Can you count them?

Bizarre arm tats that creep (Lapse 1)...

...onto the hand (Lapse 2). Note trash can #1 above the region of the saddle where your plump nibblets and scrumpus bones would nestle.

Holiest of holies (Lapse 3...$100?!?) on the nose of the saddle where your plump nibblets and scrumpus bones would definitely not nestle. Body piercing erosion of the normally quite durable Kevlar saddle cover perhaps? The tats suggest it.

The smarmy under belly, showing a twisted and random array of sloppily applied glues and adhesives (Lapse 4). And yes, trash can #2 creeps into view (Lapse 5). This is a clean kitchen obviously. Cleaner anyway, than my holiest of holies, plump nibblets, or scrumpus bones.


1 comment:

Steve Reed said...

Looks like they're saving a couple of choice bottles of wine, maybe for a special occasion. (Like when they sell this bicycle seat?!)