Monday, October 24, 2011

Mo No-Flo Culture

We are our own microcosm of inbred weirdness here in North Florida. For example, we may have a million folks in the metropolitan area, but there are not enough educated and employed people to support a Starbucks downtown...


We may know that we want to ride to work occasionally, but we have no idea what off the rack POS we ought to ride on. A knock-off Turner 5Spot? Really?

And we know that you should never bring a handgun into the Federal Courthouse. However, nobody said anything about TOY handguns, as evidenced by this little bit of packaging lying in the landscaping right in front of, you guessed it, the Federal Courthouse.

North Florida is a hoot. You should visit. We have football.

1 comment:

Dan O said...

Mmm....I've been to Florida. I'll stay in Washington.

The toy gun box outside the court house - classic. We have about 20,000 Starbucks in the Seattle area. It's bit loopy...