Friday, August 31, 2012

South Haven Michigan

South Haven, another Lake Michigan coastal community that has figured out the value of their waterfront to the community.  Not quite Charlevoix, but still a darn nice place to stop for lunch.

The marina, with the jetty in the distance and the main marina building there on the left.

Random 2D silhouette cut-out dogs stuck in the ground everywhere.  Slugg-O confirms they are not legit K-9's.

Looking out the mouth of the channel with the jetty there on the left, or 'to port' as the uppity yachtsmen like to say.

Wanna go a few rounds, bub?
One of the above mentioned 'uppity yachtsman'.

1 comment:

Steve Reed said...

Wait, did you bypass Saugatuck? Nooooooooo!!!!!