Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tillie Fowler Trail Armoring - Part 3


Looking down the approach from up on the ridge, fully decked chalked and cut straight, lag-bolted, set in concrete, and with limestone packed in at the ends for durability of the transition from earth to wood.  Total length of this section is probably 25-30 feet.

And standing on the ridge looking down the slope back off of the ridge. 

Troy brushes aside his aching shoulder and grabs the fat-front single speed Sawyer for a run down the steep slope off the ridge.

Keep that weight back!

Looking up the approach, this is in the direction that you will ride the feature.  The ridge is about as tall as me, (6' plus) if not more.  The trail built up to the approach will be situated so that you can gather speed to roll over the ridge.  The slope will then scrub the speed off for you in preparation for the steep slope back down to level ground on the other side.

Side view of the approach.  Here you can really get a sense of the length that we had to make it to allow for the up and over.  The split rail fence on the crest in the distance of the ridge was also installed bu us and hopefully will prevent riders from leaving the trail and deviating from the prescribed direction of the trail and doing the drops and decks haphazardly.

It is an awesome feature and we are very happy with the end results.  There will be a few more of these up and overs built on this ridge-line as part of this project as the club looks to add trail length to the park, and yet maintain sustainable trail use over the ridge, so stay tuned.

Thanks to SORBA/Jax volunteers and the City of Jacksonville Parks Department.

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