Monday, April 20, 2009

Susan Boyle, who?

Not cycling related at all...not even about home brewed beer, but we'll call it relevant due to current events...

Before there was Susan Boyle, the dowdy frump dazzling the Internet lunkeys the world over with her sappy rendition of lame show tunes, there was Paul Potts. Sure, Boyle can sing pretty well, and as her handlers pointed out, nobody expected her performance on "Got Talent", and I'll give you, it was pretty funny that she tried to walk straight off rather than face the judges, but she's not the pinnacle of the frump-does-good. Nope, that goes to Potts.

Cell phone salesman takes the stage...crooked teeth and all, and declares that he's there to sing opera. Everyone least until...

At which point the chick on the show melts into a frothy pool of lust and desire...

And Simon gnaws his pen into submission, with raging anticipation of the millions about to be made by his private record label...

If you haven't seen Potts' clip on YouTube...check it out. Not to take anything away from Susan Boyle, but Potts is truly amazing. I'm not much of a fan of opera, and these types of talent shows leave me clammy, but this clip gives me goose bumps every time I hear it. I even bought the Potts CD. A great story.

What is it with all these aesthetically challenged English folks just busting at the seams with talent? Is it the tea?...the crumpets?...the rain?


Squirrel said...

Youtube link -- thanks --I like this guy way better than Susan Boyle-- until today I never heard of either of them, but these fame stories are nice.

Steve Reed said...

Glad you posted that! I'd read about it somewhere else after this whole Susan Boyle thing broke, but I hadn't seen or heard it. And bravo for buying the CD and supporting the guy's new career! (Hope he goes to the dentist.)