Monday, September 28, 2009
Privacy Fence

Friday, September 25, 2009
Deck Box
Marinas across Florida have these storage locker thing bolted to the pier in front of each slip, right next to the fresh water and power hook-ups. Deck boxes are used for storage of maintenance items for the boat, like fiberglass and stainless steel polishes, scrub-down and deck brushes, and incidentals for engine, sail and generator maintenance...things you wouldn't need while underway. Don't want to be tripping over the Brasso while you're on the river for the 4th of July? Deck Box!
My mid-century modern-ish house (read; 1940's tract home with a flat roof!) has a wing wall/planter box on either side of the front facade. On the right side, the wall is still intact although some dingle berry knocked out the planter...I'll get to that project in a bit.
On the left side, our original carport has been enclosed as a den, and there is a newer two car carport off the front of the original one car. The carport works fine with one exception, and that is that the planter box is still there, in front of the wing wall and inside of the carport...shaded from sunlight and rain, and therefor filled with scraggly ferns and dirt. Solution? Deck Box!
Here I've dug out to a depth of about 20 inches or so, and framed for the supporting side structure and a slatted floor. The floor will allow the contents of the box to be up off the ground, while the slats provide drainage for any heavy rain that may blow in under the carport and get into the deck box. The entire box is designed so that no holes were drilled into the original structure of the house, and that the weight of the box itself, coupled with the weight of the contents, keep the box from being lifted out of the planter.

Doing work. See the wall cap framing here?

All finished and locked up tight. There's a bunch of greasy car stuff inside it now, my leaky 3 ton floor jack is in there, 4 gas cans and 8 rusty jack stands, and a set of moldy jumper cables. All the little to no value car maintenance stuff that you use occasionally, but otherwise just find yourself tripping over in a garage or shop. Now, it's right by the cars ready to go!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tsali on the orange E-motion!
Turkey running for his life as I roared around the corner in the Rover. Stay skinny, Mr Turkey. November will be here before you know it!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
EWR E-Motion

Kona K-Nine steel cranks with a single 32 chain ring and a bash guard. Deore DX clipless pedals.

Race Face bar and stem. King mango headset.

Sram X-0 twisty shifty, Oury grips and Altek levers.

Kona P2II Disc fork, with a strategic Race Face sticker. Salsa skewers and Avid BB7 brakes.

Non drive side. Look at that beautiful...rain barrel.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fire Pit
First up, finishing the rustic patio area out near the shed under the trees. I built the dry stack stone wall out of the pavers from the old shed floor, did that a few years ago, and just had some scraggy grass out there for a while. I went out and picked up some brick pavers to set in a soldier course to edge off the patio from the rest of the yard, and then created a 36 inch square paver pad for the fire pit, set on a diagonal in the middle of the patio, and filed the rest with 10 bags of pine bark.

"But wait!" I hear you say in a very Hemingway-esque tone. "Pavers are good. Bricks are good. The soldier course is straight, and nice. The pine bark was aromatic. But pine bark is flammable!"

Monday, September 14, 2009
SDG eBay Heaven
To the patient comes Ambrosia.

Now, where did I put those nasty looking orange Oury grips?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Goodbye Oregon
Vanishing Species - Oregon
Some of that though, is just a natural concern that Oregonians have about being able to support and protect the great indigenous peoples of their fine state. Biodiversity is a beautiful thing.
Harritains - A once noble people, identified by their disheveled ponytails and their dirty striped green wool sweaters and 'Sub Pop' t-shirts. Females of the species are distinguished by their penchant for sleeve tattoos and their hairy armpits. Once the dominant species in metropolitan settings such as Portland and Salem, they were nearly eradicated when the healthiest and heartiest of the breed flocked en mass to Seattle and took their teen spirits with them. The remnants of the species were left to wallow in their self loathing and pump quarts of heroin into their veins, longing for the days when Pearl Jam was relevant. Today, Harritains live in small enclaves, called 'coffee shops', sprinkled throughout the urban landscape.
Pufferites - A once numerous and proud people, the Pufferites came to dominate the landscape of this fine Pacific Northwest state after the reduction in stature and importance of the then occupying, silviculture practicing, troops of the great western peoples of Loggerania. The Pufferites are a happy and pleasant people, warm and sensitive and sometimes moody, and seemingly always hungry. Pufferites are concerned individuals, both for the health and well being of their communities and for the communities of others. Strangely, Pufferites seek anonymity in their lives, and bristle at the concept that they may actually be, after all, Pufferites. Easily identified during mating season by their empathetic pleas of "Dude!" and "Whoa!", and sometimes even, "Whoa, dude!" Pufferites spend much of their days cultivating their most cherished crop, "weed" and avoiding their more predatory nemesis, Law Enforcement.
Furrieleggs - Mountain peoples, easily identified by their 10 year old Subarus, although more senior members of the troop and the nobility of the clan occupy the more prestigious and desirable mating vessels known as Vanagon Westfalias. Females of the species are easily identified by the bushy scrub that flows from not only their armpits, like the Harritains, but also from their calves. Subaru favoring subspecies are known as the Antierus-Mazdacantus, while the Westfalia sporting of the breed are called Convertius Poptoptenticus. Furrieleggs spend much of their time crafting and enjoying their prized elixir of life, called "micro brew", and listening to Obama quotes broadcast on NPR.
To the inhabitants of the great state of Florida, or North Cuba as it is called today, the three great peoples of Oregon all seem pretty much the same!
OK OK OK OK OK! All kidding aside...
At least cookie tins are usable for small part storage.

Newer release of the Sram X-0 goodies don't get cookie tins. Nope, no longer. Today, X-0 stuff comes in a nice clear pencil box.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Oregon Bike Shop #5 - Bend Bike and Sport, Bend