It has been a good week of riding for me. Four days of commuting, for a total of nearly 50 miles, and great North Florida weather for all 4 days. The drop bar TST titanium non-road-bike-road-bike is a great success. As the sun gets lower in the sky and the days get shorter, I will need to update my lights, but otherwise, I wouldn't change a thing. Even the stem which seemed like it may be too long has proven to be very comfortable, although I suspect that if I put in a 60 mile ride on the bike I may feel it in my hands.
I took today off from the commute because tomorrow I will be doing 50 miles in Santos, off road. Resting my butt up for that one.
A few pics of the TST. It is no Potts, but it is nicely made, here in the states, and it rides very well, off road, and now, on road. I've considered selling this bike before, and In all honesty, I'd not been using it at all since the Phoenix took it's place as the geared rigid bike in my stable, but with the drops, it has found a new home. I dig it.

It is not a Triumph. I saved the head badge from my childhood bike and it has lived on this sucker since I purchased the frame from Cambria online, for the closeout price of $350. Can't beat that price with a stick. $350
may get me a Potts fork.

Nice looking drops, and the welds are very even. I've done other posts on this frame so I won't go into the whole who-does-TST-make-frames-for thing again, but lets just say they do a good job. It is a well put together frame with a nice drop to the top tube, thoughtful features and sexy s-bend stays.

Bottom bracket area. Many frames get a little muddles in here as there isn't much room for the welder to work his magic, but the TST doesn't disappoint. I've built up this frame in 3 configurations in the 6-7 years I've owned it, and I've always been pleased.