Friday, June 19, 2009

Nantahala Village - December, 2001

Kristen takes her first trip with "The Mad Bald Man" Hopefully to be the first of many ...trips...not bald men. We stayed at the Nantahala Village this time and just snuck Utah into the Cabin. Tsali was closed, and besides, it was very cold at night. Kristen informed me later that she would have chopped me into little bits if I had made her sleep in the tent.

PORK CHICKEN HOT-DOG!!!!! In the background, the divine beauty of seasonally dead Kudzu.

I try in vain to project suave and debonair...she observes "gee, he really does look like the Roswell Alien without his beard!"


Steve Reed said...

Hmmmm...maybe we're BOTH Roswell aliens?? Though I think I look more like Nosferatu...

utahDOG! said...

Sort of a "Neo" Matrix look with them shades, actually...