Amazing, that in the modern era, I can go online, meet somebody 2000 miles away who likes the same bicycle frames I do, discover that they have a PDF of that same bicycle company's catalog, created for the guy 2000 miles away by the newly reformed company from original catalog stock still on hand, emailed 2000 miles directly from the factory to him, and then forwarded 2000 miles back to me! Technology!
I've got one somewhere, along with the original receipt for my white frame, but it's almost easier to read it in PDF and just post the scans here than it is to root around in my junk like a 'big-ole pig looking for a sweet-tater' and scan it myself!
Funny how a few details in my memory are a little different than I bottom bracket heights and stuff like that. Some fun facts stuck like glue over the years too. Call it a wash for my old-fart memory!
Fame at last :-)
Love & Peace
Medium Yellow from England...
Good man, Neill!
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